Monday, 22 October 2012

Secret obsession?

That's not really about writing but I feel like telling someone that I actually do have a secret obsession. It's a bit weird but I feel really good taking photos of hotel rooms I stayed. Even more so by looking at them with a soothing effect when I'm down as they remind me of my past travels and upcoming trips to foreign countries. Darn, I need to book a flight to Brno in Czech Republic and contact one of the hotels. You see, this short post was meant to be... 

I think Helsinki, Finland...

Tehran, Iran

Oslo, Norway

Tallinn, Estonia

Sunday, 14 October 2012

Morris and Henry

I've been incomprehensibly busy for the past few weeks. Promotion at work sparked a volcanic eruption of activity (I know but I love hard work). I've been promoting my professional book and my novel although I'd be thrilled if someone invented a 30-hour day for me (please)! 

I keep writing all sorts of things that will eventually culminate in a series of new novels, short stories and professional books but there is one particular event that I need to promote with all my heart.

My daughter Marusa has published her first book today! HER FIRST BOOK at a tender age of 9! It targets  the 3-5 age group so not much text although the story itself is as curly as her hair on her Amazon profile. 

The images though are unbelievably warm and telling. There is no way an adult can create anything similar - faces that ooze character and emotions, colors that radiate happiness and all that spiced up with a story of unbelievable imagination. She literally did everything herself - daddy only helped with the technical stuff. Please support her effort and buy the book, your kids will love it!

Sunday, 7 October 2012

Fireman Ollie and his hat

Preparing myself for an avalanche of projects and the beginning of the new academic year but last week was a special one and I managed to record two videos of my son wearing 3D spectacles and a cute fireman's hat.

If it wasn't for my daughter, we wouldn't even notice his hat fell off at exactly the right moment. Both videos were recorded one after another and I have no idea how we even managed to achieve this but hey, some things are meant to happen - to memorise, to entertain. Enjoy!