That's it, I've revealed the title to my wife... ooooough, I can't believe it! Yes, the mistake is irreversible and I've been banging my head... Wait, shut up Mike, what are you talking about for crying out loud!? No, no, let me begin again! I've spelled out the title to her and I am the most grateful person on the planet. Why? Because she criticized my subtitle to smithereens with these exact words: "You include this subtitle and your target readers are never going to pick up your book, no matter how good it is!" and she is right (my ego was twisting in pain).
And the title iiiiiis?
Devotion & Deception
Yeah, it pretty much reflects the plot and the epic struggle of my main character. Of course, I'm not going to tell you what subtitle I managed to ink down on a paper because the more I think about it the more I recognize a political commentator jumping out of my mouth and fingers for that matter.
I also have to tell you that I am on a break right now... finishing off my academic journal papers, reviewing 200+ pages of my students' theses and writing 30+ page proposal(s). Yeah,... I know... but then again, I'll be rich soon and then who'll be laughing...
Oh, yes, one more thing! I was on a look out for a good writing tips blog today (well, like 10 minutes ago) and I found the most hilarious blogger writing about novel writing tips out there. I mean, just look at what he's got to say about
writers suffering from writing maladies. A stand-up comedy style of advice extraordinaire! Hey, that's an idea for a new type of seminars, workshops and other advice-giving gatherings - make it like a stand-up comedy. Bloody hell, I might actually try this!