I am contemplating my second novel. Well, I've got enough conceptual material to write four but there are only 24 hours in a day and I do have a demanding day job so - one at a time.
Adopted will be a kind of suspense thriller with - the main plot built around the search of a brother who, as a baby, was given for adoption. I started building a skeleton but it kind of doesn't fall together nicely so I need a bit more time on that one.
4th army is a different story. The idea is there, the plot is phenomenal and I already look forward to writing it. In short, it's about kids' imagination gone wild as they play a game of the 4th army as a perfect response to three major superpowers that materializes years later, bringing with it massive repercussions for the whole humanity. Joking aside, it's a damn good story. The cover art idea is floating around in my mind as well so that definitely makes me happy.
I've started marketing Deceiving Noone like mad (Amazon UK), asking book bloggers for reviews, posting meaningful comments, contributing to discussions, posting links on my facebook page, tweeting and so on. I've sold 3 copies so far (in two days) so that should definitely be a good sign - I am in this for a long run. It's a start but I've got to ramp up marketing beyond what I've ever done in my life. There are a few more tricks up my sleeves but that's something for after the Olympics.
Talking about the Olympics, yet another successful day and LOCOG have started sorting out the empty seats problem. Come on, accredited guests or not, sponsors or not - there are competitors' parents who weren't able to get tickets!
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